Vision, Mission & Value


Vision, Mission & Value

Overview of Activities Conducted at the Electrical Engineering Department in 2008


A) Highlights of Academic Activities

1- Providing various educational services and plans for 638 undergraduate, and 717 graduate students.

2- Allocation of a two billion rials budget for educational infrastructure upgrade.

3- Approval for starting a new field of study, Nanoptronics.

4- The national "Outstanding and Distinguished Professors" awards were granted to the EE department faculty.  

5- The Protection of Electrical Power Networks graduate program successfully completed its second year.

6- 227 graduate defense sessions were held, and 212 Master's and 15 PhD students graduated.

7- PhD admission exams were administered, and 36 PhD candidates were admitted. 

8- EE faculty received a 15 percent raise in promotion and status

9- The implementation of four new academic regulations and standards for upgrading the quality of educational programs.

10- Defining the scientific process and criteria for selection of outstanding faculties and appreciating their efforts in education and research.

11- New regulations for honor student admissions without the need of graduate admissions examination.


 B) Highlights of Research Activities

1- Allocation of an 8 billion rials budget for upgrading research infrastructures (including research grants).

2- A 35% increase and upgrade in the EE department's research activities, including scientific publications (papers, books) and production.

3- Three large research & industrial project contracts and thirty medium project contracts with the collaboration and cooperation of graduate students.

4- 50 research grants and contracts.

5- 5 signed agreements towards expanding collaborations with national universities and organizations.

6- New activities have been published in the International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IJEEE).  This journal is about to appear in the list of ISI journals.

7- The "Fuel Cell" national conference was held in 2008.

8- The "Relays and Protection" national conference was held 2008 in the EE department.  

9- The "Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering", the largest global conference in this field was held 2008 in the EE department.

10- A 50-percent expansion in the collaborations with international and national universities.

11- The holding of 22 meetings with IUST's scientific and advisory board members of IUST, and four general consultative meetings.

12- The EE website upgrade -new features and improved features have been added to make the website more efficient.

13- A 10% improvement in the capacity and duality of the library.

14- Supporting the publication of five faculty authored books.


C) Highlights of cultural, Management and Student Support Activities

1- Endorsement and adoption of the 5 year college roadmap, Horizon 2014; according to this road map it is expected that the department can stand first place among public and private Iran universities, and will be recognized internationally among top universities.

2- An upgrade in the management and safety level of the 2nd building of EE department.  

3- Optimization of staff services, organization of assistants and the student support administration section.

4- Upgrade in the quality of services in buildings No. 1 & 2 of the department.

5- Donation of more than 1500 departmental books to Iranian and Afghan universities.

6- Close cooperation with the University Management Office of the Construction Projects for construction of the new EE building.

7- About 100% upgrade in the management and servicing of the computer site. The computer site of the department has been equipped with advanced hardware systems. Software has been updated, and the quality of networking services has improved.

8- Scientific, cultural and social activities have been expanded. Besides, several student associations and groups have been formed.

9- Active cooperation with the university advisory board is underway.


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