عباس افشار |
استاد |
رتبه علمی |
آب |
گروه آموزشی |
(+9821) - 73228117 |
تلفن |
77240398 - (09821) |
نمابر |
a_afshar AT iust.ac.ir |
پست الکترونیکی |
محل کار دانشکده مهندسی عمران، طبقه سوم - اطاق 3111 |
تحصیلات: |
دانشگاه دیویس کالیفرنیا |
دکترا |
دانشگاه دیویس کالیفرنیا |
کارشناسی ارشد |
دانشگاه تهران |
کارشناسی |
آدرس پستی: دانشگاه علم وصنعت ایران، دانشکده عمران، تهران، نارمک ، کد پستی 13114-16846 |
Education |
PhD. Civil Engineering (water resources and hydraulic engineering), |
MSc. Civil Engineering (water resources and hydraulic engineering), |
BSc. Irrigation & Drainage Engineering, Tehran University, 1967-1971 |
Positions Held Academic
Most Recent Research Projects and Activities
Course Taught Graduate Level (MSc and PhD Programs)
Undergraduate Level
Professional Memberships and Affiliations
Chief Editor to:
Member of the Editorial Board to:
Reviewer to:
Honors and Awards
Most Recently Funded Researches
Journal Papers 1. Saadatpour, M., Afshar, A., and S. Sandoval Solis (2020),” Surrogate-Based Multi-Period, Multi-Objective Reservoir Operation Optimization for Quality and Quantity Management”, J. of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001252. 2. Saadatpour, M., Delkhosh, F., Afshar, A., and Sandoval Solis, S., 2020, “Developing a Simulation-Optimization Approach to Allocate Low Impact Development Practices for Managing Hydrological Alterations in Urban Watershed “, Sustainable Cities and Society Journal, 60, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2020.102334 3. Afshar, A., Khosravia, M., Ostadrahimib,L., and A. Afshar (2020),” Reliability-based multi-objective optimum design of nonlinear conjunctive use problem; cyclic storage system approach”, J. of Hydrology, 588, doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125109 4. Aghaie, V., Alizadeh, H., and A. Afshar (2020),” Emergence of social norms in cap-and-trade policy; An agent-based groundwater market”, J. of Hydrology, 125057 5. Kheirkhah Hasanzadeh,S., Saadatpour,M., and A. Afshar (2020), “A fuzzy equilibrium strategy for sustainable water quality management in river-reservoir system” , J. of Hydrology, 586, doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124892 6. Afshar, A., Tavakoli, A., and A. Khodagholi (2020),” Multi-objective hydro-economic modeling for sustainable groundwater management”, J. of Water Resources Management, DOI: 10.1007/s11269-020-02533-4 7. Aghaie, V., Alizadeh, H., and A. Afshar (2020),” Agent-Based hydro-economic modelling for analysis of groundwater-based irrigation Water Market mechanisms”, Agricultural Water Management, 234, pp.106140 8. Pouladi, P., Afshar, A., Molajou, A., and MH. Afshar (2020),” Socio-hydrological framework for investigating farmers’ activities affecting the shrinkage of Urmia Lake; hybrid data mining and agent-based modelling”, Hydrological Sciences Journal, online 9. Kheirkhah Hasanzadeh, S., Saadatpour, M, and A. Afshar (2020),” A Fuzzy Equilibrium Strategy for Sustainable Water Quality Management in River-Reservoir System”, J. of Hydrology, pp. 124892 10. Saadatpour, M., Afshar, A., and H. Khoshkam (2019), “Multi-Objective Multi-Pollutant Waste Load Allocation Model for Rivers Using Coupled Archived Simulated Annealing Algorithm with QUAL2Kw”, J. of Hydroinformatics, 21 (3), 397-410 11. Pouladi, P., Afshar, A., Afshar, MH., Molajou, A., and H. Farahmand (2019),” Agent-based socio-hydrological modeling for restoration of Urmia Lake: Application of theory of planned behavior”, J. of Hydrology, 576, pp. 736-748 12. Saed, B., Afshar, A., Jalali, MR., Ghoreishi, M., and P. Aminpour Mohammadabadi (2019),” A water footprint-based hydro-economic model for minimizing the blue water to green water ratio in the Zarrinehrud river-basin in Iran”, J. of AgriEngineering, 1(1), pp.58-74 13. Asadieh, B., and A. Afshar (2019),” Optimization of Water-Supply and Hydropower Reservoir Operation Using the Charged System Search Algorithm”, Hydrology, 6, 5; doi:10.3390/hydrology6010005 14. Afshar, A., Masoumi, F., and Samuel Sandoval Solis (2018), “Developing a Reliability Based Waste Load Allocation in River –Reservoir System: ASCE, J. of Water Resources Planning and Management, (WRPM), 144(9): 040180521-12 15. Sandoval Solis, S., and A. Afshar (2018), “Customized Web-Based Model for Quantifying and Monitoring the Efficiency of Agricultural Water”, Water resources Management, under press 16. Bashi- Azghadi, A.N., Afshar, A., and MH. Afshar (2017),” Multi-period Response management to Contaminated Water Distribution Networks: Dynamic Programming Versus Genetic Algorithms” Engineering Optimization, DOI:10.1080/0305215X.2017.1318871 17. Afshar, A., Feizi, F., Yousef Moghadam. A., and M. Saadatpour, (2017),” Enhanced CE‑QUAL‑W2 model to predict the fate and transport of volatile organic compounds in water body: Gheshlagh reservoir as case study”, Environmental Earth Science, doi.org/10.1007/s12665-017-7108-5 18. Saadatpour, M., Afshar, A., and J.E. Edinger,” Meta-Model Assisted 2D Hydrodynamic and Thermal Simulation Model (CE-QUAL-W2) in Deriving Optimal Reservoir Operational Strategy in Selective Withdrawal Scheme”, Water Resources Manage.,31:2729–2744, DOI 10.1007/s11269-017-1658-x 19. Afshar, A., Masoumi, F. (2016),” Waste load reallocation in river-reservoir systems; simulation-optimization approach”, Environmental earth Sciences, 75: 53. doi:10.1007/s12665-015-4812-x 20. Afshar, A., Masoumi, F., and S. Sandoval Solis (2015),” Reliability Based Optimum Reservoir Design by Hybrid ACO-LP Algorithm”, Water Resources Manage., 29, pp. 2045–2058 DOI 10.1007/s11269-015-0927-9 21. Afshar, A., Masoumi, F. and S. Torabi Palatkaleh (2016),” Selective withdrawal optimization in river–reservoir systems; trade-offs between maximum allowable receiving waste load and water quality criteria enhancement”, Environmental Monitoring Assessment., doi:10.1007/s10661-016-5386-0 22. Bash-Azghadi, S.N., Afshar, M.H., and A. Afshar, (2016), “Multi-objective Optimization Response Modeling to Contaminated Water Distribution Networks: Pressure Driven versus Demand Driven Analysis “, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Accepted 23. Afshar, A., MR Jalali, SM Ghoreishi, B. Saed and P. Aminpour Mohamad Abadi (2016), “Agent-based models as a strategy for water resources management with sustainable development perspective”, J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci. 6(2S): 208-212. 24. Afshar, A., Masoumi, F., Afshar, A., and M.A. Marino (2015),” State of the Art Review of Ant Colony Optimization Applications in Water Resource Management”, Water Resources Manage., DOI 10.1007/s11269-015-1016-9 25. Afshar, A., Emami Skardi, M.J., and F. Masoumi (2015),” Optimizing water supply and hydropower reservoir operation rule curves: An imperialist competitive algorithm approach”, Engineering Optimization, 47(9), pp. 1208-1225, DOI: 10.1080/0305215X.2014.958732 26. Emami Skardi, M.J., Afshar, A., Saadatpour, M., and S. Sandoval Solis (2015),” Hybrid ACO–ANN-Based Multi-objective Simulation–Optimization Model for Pollutant Load Control at Basin Scale”, Environ Model Assess., 20:29–39, DOI 10.1007/s10666-014-9413-7 27. Afshar, A., and S.M. Miri Khombi (2015),” Multiobjective optimization of sensor placement in water distribution networks; dual use benefit approach”, Int. J. Optim. Civil Eng., 5(3):333-349 28. Jahanpour. M.A., Afshar, A., and S. Sandoval Solis (2015),” An object-oriented development environment to optimally design cyclic storage systems”, J. Hydroinformatics, 17(4), pp.534-550, doi:10.2166/hydro.2015.049 29. Jahanpour. M.A., Sandoval Solis, S., and A. Afshar, (2014),” A web-based application for optimization of single reservoir operation”, J. of American Water Works Association (AWWA) 106 (11), pp. E509- E517 30. Akbari, M., and A. Afshar (2014),” Similarity-based error prediction approach for real-time inflow forecasting”, Hydrology Research, 45(4-5), pp.589-602 31. Akbari, M, Afshar, A., and S.J. Mousavi (2013),” Multi-objective reservoir operation under emergency condition: Abbaspour reservoir case study with non-functional spillways, J. Flood Risk Management, DOI: 10.1111/jfr3.12061 32. Afshar, A., and E. Najafi (2014),” Consequence management of chemical intrusion in water distribution networks under inexact scenarios”, J. of Hydroinformatics, 16(1), pp. 178-188, DOI:10.2166/hydro.2013.125 33. Zolfaghar Dolabi, H.R., Afshar, A., and R. Abbasnia (2014),” CPM/LOB Scheduling Method for Project Deadline Constraint Satisfaction”, Automation in Construction, 48, pp. 107-118 34. Jahanpour. M.A., Afshar, A., and S. Alimohammadi, (2013),” Optimum management of cyclic storage systems; a simulation-optimization approach, J. of American Water Work Association (AWWA), E671-E683 35. Emami Skardi, M.J., Afshar, A., and S. Sandoval Solis (2013),” Simulation-Optimization Model for Non-point Source Pollution Management in Watersheds: Application of Cooperative Game Theory”’ KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 17(6):1232-1240 36. Afshar, A., Shojaei, N., and M. Sagharjooghifarahani (2013),” Multi-objective Calibration of Reservoir Water Quality Modeling Using Multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO), Water Resour. Manage. 27:1931– 1947 37. Asgari, S., Afshar, A., and K. Madani (2013),” Cooperative Game Theoretic Framework for Joint Resource Management in Construction, ASCE (Journal of Construction engineering and Management), DOI: 10.1061/ (ASCE) CO.1943-7862.0000818. 38. Saadatpour, M. and A. Afshar (2013),” Multiobjective Simulation – Optimization Approach in Pollution Spill Response Management Model in Reservoirs”, Water Resources Management, 27:1851–1865 39. Nasirzadeh, F., Khanzadi, M. Afshar, A., and S. Howick, (2013)” Modeling quality management in construction projects”, International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 1 Transaction A: Civil Engineering 40. Afshar, A., and H. Mirbabayi, (2012),” Integrated Municipal Waste Management”, Archives Des Sciences, Vol 65, No. 9, 19-27 41. Nasirzadeh, F., Khanzadi, M., and A. Afshar (2012),” System Dynamic Simulation Modelling of the Quality Management Process in Construction Projects”, International Journal of Civil Engineering, online, 42. Afshar, A., Madadgar, S., Jalali, M.R., and F. Sharifi, (2012),” Performance of Different Ant-Based Algorithms for Optimization of Mixed Variable Domain in Civil engineering Designs”, Int. J. Optim. Civil Eng., 2(1):115-136 43. Khazaeni, G. Khanzadi, M., and A. Afshar, (2012),” Fuzzy Adaptive Decision-Making Model for Selection of Balanced Risk Allocation”, International Journal of Project Management, vol.30(4),511-522 44. Takbiri, Z., and A. Afshar, (2012),” Multi-Objective Optimization of Fusegates System under Hydrologic Uncertainties, Water Resources Management, 262323-2345 45. Afshar, A., and H. Kazemi, (2012),” Multi Objective Calibration of Large Scaled Water Quality Model Using a Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization and Neural Network Algorithm”, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering ,16(6):913-918 46. Afshar, A., Saadatpour, M., and M. A. Marino (2012),” Development of a Complex System Dynamic Eutrophication Model: Application to Karkheh Reservoir”, Environmental Engineering Science, Volume 29, Number 6, 373 385 47. Ostadrahimi, L., Marino, M.A., and A. Afshar, (2012),” Multi-reservoir Operation Rules: Multi-swarm PSO-based Optimization Approach, Water Resources Management., 26:407–427 48. Afshar, A., and Z. Takbiri, (2012),” Fusegates selection and operation: simulation–optimization approach”, J. of Hydroinformatics, 14.2, pp.1464-1477 49. Maddagar, S., and A. Afshar (2011),” Forced water main design; mixed ant colony optimization”, Int. J. Optim. Civil Eng., 1:47-71 50. Afshar, A., Kazemi, H., and M. Saadatpour, (2011),” Particle Swarm Optimization for Automatic Calibration of Large-Scale Water Quality Model (CE-QUAL-W2): Application to Karkheh Reservoir, Iran”, Water Resources Management, 25:2613-2632 51. Akbari, M., Van Overloop, P.J., and A. Afshar (2011),” Clastered K nearest neighbor algorithm for daily inflow forecast”, Water Resources Management ,25:1341–1357 52. Afshar, A., Kazemi, H., and M. Saadatpour, (2011), “Particle Swarm Optimization for Automatic Calibration of Large-Scale Water Quality Model (CE-QUAL-W2): Application to Karkheh Reservoir, Iran”, Water Resources Management., 25: 2613–2632 53. Aladini, K., A. Afshar and E. Kalhor (2011),” Discounted cash flow time cost trade-off problem optimization; ACO approach”, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (Building and Housing), 12(4), 511-522 54. Bozorg Haddad, O., Afshar, A., and M.A. Marino (2010),” Multi-reservoir optimization in discrete and continuous domain”, Water Management, 164, pp. 57-72 55. Afshar, A., and S. Madadgar (2011),” Ant-Based Algorithms for Optimization of Mixed Variable Domain Engineering Problems; Application to Water Main Pipeline Design”, Int. J. Optim. Civil Eng., 56. Mianabadi, H., Afshar, A., and M. Zarghami, (2011),” Intelligent multi-stakeholder environmental management, Expert Systems with Applications ,38: 862–866 57. Afshar, A., Marino, M. A., Saadatpour, M. and A. Afshar, (2011),” Fuzzy TOPSIS Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Applied to Karun Reservoirs System, Water Resources Management., Water Resources Management 25:545–563 58. Moeini, R., Afshar, A., and M.H. Afshar (2011),” Fuzzy rule-based model for hydropower reservoirs operation, Electrical Power and Energy Systems”.33, pp. 171–178l 59. Saadatpour, M., Afshar, A., and MH. Afshar (2011),” Fuzzy pattern recognition method for assessing soil erosion, Environ Monit Assess, 2011-online 60. Afshar, A., Zahraei, A., and M.A. Marino (2010),” Large-Scale Nonlinear Conjunctive Use Optimization Problem: Decomposition Algorithm”, J of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol.1, pp. 59-71 61. Akbari, M., Afshar, A., and S.J. Mousavi, (2010),” Stochastic multiobjective reservoir operation under imprecise objectives: multicriteria decision-making approach”, J. Hydroinformatics, vol.13(1),110-120 62. Rasekh, A., Afshar, A., and MH, Afshar (2010),” Risk-Cost Optimization of Hydraulic Structures: Methodology and Case Study”, Water Resources Management., vol.24 ,2833-2851 63. Fathi, H., and A. Afshar (2010),”GA-Based Multi-Objective Optimization of Finance-Based Construction Project Scheduling”, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 14(5), 627-638 64. Afshar, A., and H. Amiri (2010),” A Min-Max Regret Approach to Unbalanced Bidding in Construction”, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 14(5), pp.653-661 65. Abbasi, H. Afshar, A., and M.R. Jalali (2010),” Ant-colony-based simulation–optimization modeling for the design of a forced water pipeline system considering the effects of dynamic pressures”, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 12(2), 212-224 66. Afshar, A., Shafii, M., and O. Bozorg Haddad, (2011),” Optimizing Multi-Reservoir Operation Rules; An improved HBMO Approach, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 13.1, 121-139 67. Afshar, A., Rasekh, A., and MH. Afshar (2010),” Risk-based optimization of large flood-diversion systems using genetic algorithms’, Engineering Optimization, 41(3), pp. 259-273 68. Afshar, A., and H. Amiri (2010),” Risk-based approach to unbalanced bidding in construction projects”, Engineering Optimization, vol.42(4), 369-385 69. Eshtehardian, E., Afshar, A., and R. Abbasnia (2009),” Fuzzy-based MOGA approach to stochastic time–cost trade-off problem”, Automation in Construction, vol.18(5), 692-701 70. Etemad-Shahidi, A, Afshar, A., Alikia, H. and H. Moshfeghi (2009),” Total Dissolved Solid Modeling; Karkheh Reservoir Case Example”, Int. J. Environ. Res., 3(4):671-680 71. Akbari, M., Afshar, A., and M. Rezaei Sadrabadi (2009),” Fuzzy Rule Based Models Modification by New Data: Application to Flood Flow Forecasting”, Water Resources Management, 23, 2491–2504 72. Afshar, A., and H. Fathi (2009),” Fuzzy multi-objective optimization of finance-based scheduling for construction projects with uncertainties in cost, Engineering Optimization, 41(11),1063–1080 73. Madadgar, S., and A. Afshar (2009),” An Improved Continuous Ant Algorithm for Optimization of Water Resources Problems”, Water Resources Management,.23, .2119–2139 74. Afshar, A., and M. Saadatpour (2009),” Reservoir Eutrophication Modeling, Sensitivity Analysis, and Assessment: Application to Karkheh Reservoir, Iran”, Environmental Engineering Science, Vol. 26(4) 1227-1238 75. Afshar, A., Ziaraty, A., Kaveh, A., and F. Sharifi (2009),” Nondominated Archiving Multicolony Ant Algorithm in Time–Cost Trade-Off Optimization”, ASCE, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 135, pp. 668-674, 2009. 76. Afshar, A., Sharifi, F., and MR. Jalali (2009),” Non-dominated archiving multi-colony ant algorithm for multi-objective optimization: Application to multi-purpose reservoir operation”, Engineering Optimization, 41(4), 313–325 77. Bozorg Haddad, O., Afshar, A., and M.A. Marino (2009),” Optimization of Non-Convex water Resource problems by Honey-bee Mating Optimization (HBMO) Algorithm”, Engineering Computations, .26(3), 267-280 78. Afshar, M.H., Afshar, A., and M.A. Marino (2009),” An iterative Penalty Method for the Optimal Design of Pipe Networks”, International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.7(2),109-123 79. Alimohammadi, S., and A. Afshar (2009),” Cyclic storage systems optimization: Semi-distributed parameter approach”, Journal of American Water Works Association (AWWA), Vol.101(2), 90-103 80. Bozorg Haddad, O., Afshar, A., and M.A. Marino (2008),” Design-Operation of Multi-Hydropower Reservoirs: HBMO Approach”, Water Resource Management, Vol.22(12), 1709-1722 81. Naderpajouh, N., and A. Afshar (2008),” A case-based reasoning approach to application of value engineering methodology in the construction industry”, Construction Management and Economics, Vol. 26(4) 363 – 372 82. Afshar, A., and A. Zahraei (2008),” Cyclic storage design and operation optimization; hybrid GA decomposition approach”, International Journal of Civil Engineering. Vol. 6(1) pp.34-47 83. Nasirzadeh, F. Afshar, A., Khanzadi, M., and S. Howick (2008),” Integrating system dynamics and fuzzy logic modeling for construction risk management”, Construction Management and Economics, Vol.26, 1197-1212 84. Bozorg Haddad, O., Afshar, A., and M.A. Marino (2008),” Honey-bee mating optimization (HBMO) algorithm in deriving optimal operation rules for reservoirs”, Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol.10(3)257-264 85. Afshar, A., Ostadrahimi, L., Ardeshir, A., and S. Alimohammadi (2008),” Lumped Approach to a Multi-Period–Multi-Reservoir Cyclic Storage System Optimization”, Water Resource Management, Vol.22(12), 1741-1760 86. Eshtehardian,E., Afshar,A., and R. Abbasnia (2008),”Time-cost optimization: using GA and fuzzy sets theory for uncertainties in cost”, Construction Management and Economics, Vol. 26 (7), 679 – 691 87. Nasirzadeh, F., Afshar, A., and M. Khanzadi (2008),’Dynamic Risk Analysis in Construction Projects, Canadian J. of Civil Engineering, 35, 820-831 88. Nasirzadeh, F., Afshar, A., and M. Khanzadi (2008),” System dynamics approach for construction risk analysis”, International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 6(2), 120-131 89. Jalali, M.R., Afshar, A., and M.A. Marino (2007),” Multi-Colony Ant Algorithm for Continuous Multi-Reservoir Operation Optimization Problem”, Water Resource Management, Vol.22(12), 1741-1760 90. Bakhtyar, R., Mousavi, S., and A. Afshar (2007),” Dynamic Programming Approach to Optimal Design of Cascade Stilling Basins”, ASCE, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol.133(8)949-954 91. Afshar, A., Mariño, M.A., Ebtehaj, M., and J. Moosavi (2007),” Rule-Based Fuzzy System for Assessing Groundwater Vulnerability”, ASCE, Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 133(5)532-540 92. Afshar, A. Kaveh, A.., and O.R. Shoghli (2007),” Multi-Objective Optimization of Time-Cost –Quality using Multi-Colony Ant algorithm”, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.8(2), 93. Karimi, M., Mousavi, J., Kaveh, A., and A. Afshar (2007),” Fuzzy Optimization Model for Earthwork Allocations with Imprecise Parameters” , ASCE (Construction Engineering and Management, 133(2), 181-190 94. Jalali, M.R., and A. Afshar (2007),” Multi-reservoir Operation by Adaptive Pheromone Reinitiated Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm”, International J. of Civil Engineering., 5(4), 284-301 95. Saadatpour, M., and A. Afshar (2007),” Fuzzy Waste Load Allocation Model with Fuzzy Goals; Simulation-Optimization Approach”, Journal of Water Resources Management, Vol.21,1207–1224 96. Afshar, A., Bozorg Haddad, O., Marino, M.A., and B.J. Adams (2007),” Honey-Bee Mating Optimization Algorithm (HBMO) for Optimal Reservoir Operation”, Journal of Franklin Institute, 344, 452–462 97. Afshar, M.H., Afshar, A., Mariño, M.A., and A.S Darbandi (2006),” Hydrograph Based Storm Sewer Design Optimization by Genetic Algorithm”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33, 319-325 98. Abbasi, H., Afshar, A., and S. Alimohammadi (2007),” Optimum Design of Water Conveyance System with Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm, International J. of Civil Engineering, vol. 3(1) 2006. 99. Jalali, M.R., Afshar, A., and M.A. Marino (2006),” Reservoir operation by ant colony optimization algorithms”, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, 30(B1),107-117 100. Jalali, M.R., Afshar, A., and M.A. Marino (2006),” Improved ant colony optimization algorithm for reservoir operation, Scientia Iranica, 13(3), 295-302 101. Bozorg Haddad, O., Afshar, A., and M.A. Marino (2006),” Honey-Bees Mating Optimization (HBMO) Algorithm: A new heuristic approach for water resources optimization”, Journal of Water Resources Management, vol.20, 661-680 102. Afshar, A., and N. Naderpajouh (2006),” Fuzzy Decision Support System for Application of Value Engineering in Construction Industry”, International J. of Civil Engineering, 4(4), 261-270 103. Mousavi, J., Mahdizadeh, K., and A. Afshar (2004),” A stochastic dynamic programming model with fuzzy storage states for reservoir operation”, Advances in Water Resources, .27, 1105-1110 104. Mousavi, J., Zonoosi Gholami, A., and A. Afshar (2004),” Optimization and simulation of a multiple reservoir system operation”, Journal of Water Supply, Research, and Technology, (AQUA), vol.56(6), 409-424 105. Jalali, M.R., Afshar, A., and A.R. Mokhtare (2004),” System dynamics modeling approach for gated and ungated flood routing in a cascade multi- reservoir system”, International Journal of Civil Engineering, 2(4), 213-222 106. Moradi-Jalal, M., Mariño, M., and Afshar, A. (2003),” Optimum design and operation of irrigation pumping stations”, ASCE (IR), vol.129(3), 149-154 107. Afshar, A. (2003),” Fuse gate design; an optimization approach, I. J. of Engineering, 1(1), 28-32 108. Abrishamchi, A., Afshar, A. and R. Kerachian (2003),” spillway capacity Optimization under hydrologic uncertainties and Flood Routing”, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, vol.27 (B1), pp. 111-121 109. Safavi, MR., Afshar, A., Marino, M.A., and A. Ghaheri (2003),” A coupled surface water and groundwater flow model”, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, 28(B1), 137-144 110. Afshar, A., and H. Zamani (2002),” An improved storm water network design model in spreadsheet template, I. 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Afshar, A. and M.A., Marino Determining optimum spillway capacity based on estimated flood distribution. Waterpower and Dam Construction, vol.42, No. 1. Pp. 44-53, 1990. 119. Afshar, A., and M.A., Marino (1990),” Optimizing spillway capacity with uncertainty in flood estimator. ASCE (WRRM), vol. 116(1), 71-84 120. Afshar, A., and M.A. Marino (1990),” Optimization of hydropower model for integrating in water supply system”. ACSE (WRPM), vol. 116(5), 665-675 121. Afshar, A. (1988),” The development of labyrinth spillway design”. Waterpower and Dam Construction, May, 36-39 122. Afshar, A., and M, A, Marino (1978).” Model for simulating soil-water content considering evapotranspiration”. Journal of hydrology, 37, 309-322 Books Wastewater Engineering, Vol. I, 1998 (in Persian) Wastewater Engineering, Vol. II, 2005 (in Persian) Hydrology, 1980 (in Persian) Design of Hydraulic Structures for Small Dams, 1988 Selected Conference Papers 1. Regret based TMDL optimization under climate change with charged system search algorithm , World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015 , 10.1061/9780784479162.240 2. Multiobjective simulation-optimization approach in pollution spill response management model in reservoirs, VI International Symposium - Water Engineering and Management in a Changing Environment Catania, June 29 - July 2, 2011 3. Reservoir capacity determination with a desired reliability; application of hybrid ACO-LP algorithm, VI International Symposium, EWRA 2011, Water Engineering and Management in a Changing Environment, Catania, June 29-July 2, 2011, Italy 4. Reservoir operation strategy to enhance downstream water quality; new application of ce-qual-w2, VI International symposium - Water Engineering and Management in a Changing Environment Catania, June 29 - July 2, 2011 5. Gated Spillways Operation Rules Considering Water Surface Elevation and Flood Peak: Application to Karkheh Dam, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability Proceedings of the 2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Palm Spring, CA., 2011, pp.3007-3015 6. Waste load allocation using non-dominated archiving multi-colony ant algorithm, WCIT 2010, Procedia Computer Science 3 (2011) 64–69 7. Optimization of contaminant sensor placement in water distribution networks; multi-objective approach, Water Distribution System Analysis 2010 – WDSA2010, Tucson, AZ, USA, Sept. 12-15, 2010 8. Application of NA-ACO in multiobjective contaminant sensor network design for water distribution systems, Water Distribution System Analysis 2010 – WDSA2010, Tucson, AZ, USA, Sept. 12-15, 2010 9. A negotiation-based approach to waste load allocation problems, 201 0 IEEE, 3022-3027, 10. 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Fuzzy group decision making and its application in water resource planning and management, Improving Integrated Surface and Groundwater Resources Management in a Vulnerable and Changing World, pp.311,317, 2009 16. A fuzzy-based model for unbalanced bidding in construction, First International Conference on Construction in Developing Countries (ICCIDC–I), pp.57-63, 2008. 17. An Improved Linear Programming Model for One-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem, First International Conference on Construction in Developing Countries (ICCIDC–I), pp.51-56, 2008. 18. Modeling Subcontractors Cooperation in Time; Cooperative Game Theory Approach, First International Conference on Construction in Developing Countries (ICCIDC–I), pp.312-319, 2008. 19. Multiple Resource Constraint Time-Cost-Resource Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm, First International Conference on Construction in Developing Countries (ICCIDC–I), pp.42-50, 2008. 20. Optimization of uncertain construction time-cost trade-off problem, First International Conference on Construction in Developing Countries (ICCIDC–I), pp.192-200, 2008. 21. Uncertain scheduling based on Accepted risk level and optimism of a project manager, First International Conference on Construction in Developing Countries (ICCIDC–I), pp.201-209, 2008. 22. Ant Colony Optimization for Continuous Domains: Application to Reservoir Operation Problems, Eighth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, pp.13-18, 2008. 23. Modeling and Simulation of Quality Management Process, 4th International Project Management Conference, 2008. 24. Financed- based Scheduling for Construction Projects with Improved ILP Model, CSCE 2008 Annual Conference, 2008. 25. Fuzzy Approach to Project Delivery System Selection, International Project Management Conference, 2007. 26. System Dynamics Approach to Optimum Response Selection in Construction Project Risks, International Project Management Conference, 2007. 27. Optimum layout of water quality monitoring stations: Ant colony approach Int.conf. On Energy, Environment, Ecosystem, and sustainable development, Greece, July 11-13, 2006, pp.300-305. 28. Optimum Design of Cyclic Storage System; Lumped Approach, Int. conf. on Energy, Environment, Ecosystem, and sustainable development, Greece, July 11-13, 2006, pp.499-504. 29. Optimum Layout and Operation of Pumping System in Coastal Aquifers, GA Approach, 9th Inter-Regional Conf. on Environment-Water (EnviroWater 2006), May 17-19, 2006. 30. Dynamic Site Layout Optimization; Ant Colony Approach, Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, June 14-16, 2006 - Montréal, Canada. 31. HBMO in Engineering Optimization, Proceedings of the 9th International Water Technology Conference (IWTC), Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, Mar. 17-20, 2005, pp. 1053-1063. 32. Simulation-Optimization Model for Fuzzy Waste Load Allocation, Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTING, Lisbon, Portugal, June 16-18, 2005, pp. 384-391. Optimum Design of Cyclic Storage System; Lumped Approach, WSEAS Transactions on Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Development, vol.2, No.6, pp.711-718, 2006 33. Optimum Layout for Water Quality Monitoring Stations; Ant Colony Approach, WSEAS Transactions on Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Development, vol.2, No.6, pp. 763-770,2006 34. Ant colony optimization algorithm (ACO); a new heuristic for engineering optimization. , WSEAS Transaction of information system and application. 5(2), pp. 606-610, May 2005 35. Development of unit response matrix coefficients with ANN., WSEAS Transaction of information system and application. 11(4), pp.2121-2128, Nov.2005 36. New look at the cyclic storage systems; 1-system definition and model formulation. WSEAS Transaction of information system and application. 11(4), pp.2058-2065, Nov 2005 37. New look at the cyclic storage systems; 2- model solution methodology and analysis of the results., WSEAS Transaction of information system and application.,11(4), pp. 2115-2120, N0v. 2005 38. Optimizing Ajichai Flood Levee's Encroachment; A GA Approach, WSEAS Transactions of Information Science and Applications, 5(2), pp. 611-617, May 2005, ISSN 1790-0832. 39. GA in Least Cost Design of Stepped Spillways, WSEAS Transactions of Information Science and Applications, 5(2), pp. 637-643, May 2005, ISSN 1790-0832. 40. Static site layout optimization with ACO algorithm, WSEAS Transactions of Information Science and Applications, 5(2), pp. 630-637, 2005. 41. An Ant Colony Approach for Time-Cost Trade-Off Problem: Case Of Large Projects, Second International Conference on Construction In Developing Countries (ICCIDC–II), August 3-5, 2010, Cairo, Egypt 42. Fuzzy Decision Making in Water Quality Management Using Simulation - Optimization Approach, Proceeding of WSEAS Int. Conf. on EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTING, Corfu, Greece, August 23-25, 2005. 43. GA in Optimizing Ajichai Flood Levee's Encroachment, Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTING, Lisbon, Portugal, June 16-18, 2005, pp. 392-399. 44. Simulation- optimization model for fuzzy waste load allocation. Proc. Of the 6th Int. Conf. on evolutionary computing, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2005, pp. 384-391. 45. HBMO (Honeybees Mating Optimization) Algorithm, A New Heuristic Approach in reservoir optimum operation, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Modeling, Simulation & Applied Optimization (ICMSAO/05), Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Feb. 1-3, 2005. 46. Honeybees Mating Optimization Algorithm (HBMO); A new heuristic approach for engineering optimization, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Modeling, Simulation & Applied Optimization (ICMSAO/05), Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Feb. 1-3, 2005. 47. Multi-Reservoir Operation Optimization with Honeybees Mating Optimization (HBMO) Algorithm, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Modeling, Simulation & Applied Optimization (ICMSAO/05), Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Feb. 1-3, 2005. 48. HBMO in Optimal Reservoir Operation, Proceedings of the 9th International Water Technology Conference (IWTC), Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, Mar. 17-20, 2005, pp. 999-1008. 49. Evaluation of Artificial Neural Networks in Optimization Models of Hydropower Reservoir Operation, Proceedings of the 9th International Water Technology Conference (IWTC), Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, Mar. 17-20, 2005, pp. 985-998. 50. Optimization of Levee's Setback; A New GA Approach, Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTING, Lisbon, Portugal, June 16-18, 2005, pp. 400-406. 51. Simulation of eutrophication process with system dynamics approach in Karkheh reservoir. 24th International symposium, North American Lake Management Society, 2004. 52. MBO (Marriage Bees Optimization), A New Heuristic Approach in Hydro-systems Design and Operation, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Managing Rivers In The 21st Century (ICMR): Issues and Challenges, Penang, Malaysia, Sep. 21-23, pp. 499-504.,2005 53. System dynamics modeling of hydropower reservoir operation, ICOLD. 2004, Seoul, South Korea. 54. Generalized gate operation model for flood control in gated spillways, 1th national congress in civil engineering, Sharif University, 2004, Tehran, Iran. 55. Water quality modeling of Karkheh river- reservoir system, First National Conference on Water Resources Management, Tehran, Iran, 2004. 56. Flood forecasting with adoptive neuro- fuzzy inference system, First National Conference on Water Resources Management, Tehran, Iran, 2004. 57. A stochastic dynamic programming model with fuzzy states applied to reservoir operation optimization, 6th international conference on computing anticipatory systems, Aug. 11-16, 2003, Liege, Belgium. 58. Hydropower reservoir operation by system dynamics, 1st National Hydropower Conf., Tehran, Iran, 2003. 59. Environmental assessment of Karun III reservoir by modified UNEP model, 1st National Hydropower Conf., Tehran, Iran, 2003. 60. Modeling optimum operation of hydropower reservoirs, 1st National Hydropower Conf., Tehran, Iran, 2003. 61. A conceptual model for reservoir damage estimation using GIS (2003), 4th international civil Engineering conference, Isfahan, Iran. 62. Fuzzy approach to project delivery system selection, Nanyang Technological University, Centre for Infrastructure Systems, Reg. No. 200604393R 63. Optimum layout and design of a water supply line (2002), proceeding 9th International Conference on Hydraulic Information Management, Hydrosoft. 64. Simulating joint operation of ground water and surface water system (2002), Third Iranian hydraulic Conference, Tehran, Iran. 65. Integrated water resources management: A complex challenge, Int.C.E. Conference, Isfahan, Iran, 2002. 66. Systematic Assessment of Flood Control Projects, Proc. Of First International Environmental Engineering Symposium, Tehran, 2001 67. Water quality and ecosystem management models; their merits and limitations (2001), Asian Conference on Water and Wastewater Management, Tehran, Iran. 68. Flood Control Optimization, Using Reservoirs Flood Control Volume, Proc. Of Second Conference on Hydraulics Tehran, 1999. 69. Spillway Design Optimization Considering Uncertainties and Flood Routing, Proc. Of Second Conference on Hydraulics, Tehran, 1999. 70. Optimization and simulation model for reservoir design and operation. Proc. North American Water and Envi. Congress, ASCE, 1996. 71. Optimum reallocation of reservoir storage volume, proc. Of North American Water and Envi. Congress, ASCE, 1996. 72. Optimizing operational level in a major hydropower plant. Proceed of 2nd International Conference on hydropower 92, Norway 1992. 73. Stilling basin optimizing model based on estimated flood distribution. Presented at the 4th International Conference Hydro soft, 92 Valencia, and Spain, 1992. 74. Reliability based design of water distribution systems. Presented at the National Conference on the water and wastewater problems in: Large Cities, Shiraz, Iran, 1992. 75. Optimizing Operational level in a Major Hydropower Plant, Proc. Of 2nd International Conference on Hydropower, Norway, 1992. 76. River basin development, simulation model. Proceed of international conference on computer applications in water resources Tamkang University, Taiwan, July 3-4, 1991. 77. 0n-or off-stream groundwater storage in small scale for domestic use. Proceed of ASCE national meeting, PP 792-795. Sacramento, CA, 1989. Selected PhD Dissertations 1. Multi-Objective Multi-Pollutant Waste Load Allocation in River-Reservoir System under Uncertainty; Simulation-Optimization Approach, 2016 2. Dynamic consequence management of intentionally polluted water distribution systems, 2016 3. Developing optimal reservoir operation policy considering quality and quantity objectives, 2012 4. Real time reservoir operation during an emergency; spillway repair condition. 2010 5. Optimization of water resources systems with honeybees mating optimization (HBMO) algorithm. ,2006 6. Design and operation of hydrosystems employing ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm; a metaheuristic approach. 2005 7. Optimization of design and operation of large-scale conjunctive use of surface and groundwater; cyclic storage system approach. 2005 8. Quality-quantity simulation of joint groundwater and surface water systems. 2004 Selected MSc Thesis 1- Demand- Based Hydro-Economic Model for Transitioning Groundwater Sustainability: System Dynamics Approach, April 2018 2- Agent-Based model for assessing Water Banking using BDI behavioral framework, April 2018 3- Assessing Water Market Impact on Zarineh-Rud River Basin Using an Optimized Hydro-Economic Model, Sep. 2018 4- Optimal Water Quality and Quantity Management through Simultaneous Consideration of Reservoir Operation Strategy and Multi - Waste Load Allocation in Large Scale Water Resources System; Simulation-Optimization Approach, May 2018 5- Integrated hydrologic-socio-economic modelling for the revival of Lake Uremia by water right transfer strategy in Zarrineh Roud River Basin, April 2016 6- Application of Water Footprint Concept in Reduction of Blue Water to Green Water ratio in Zarineh Roud Sub-basin as The Main Supplier of Lake Uremia, April 2016 7- Dynamic restoration of Urmia lake level considering climate change: Application of hedging to derive system operating rule, 2013 8- Assessing and decision making in infrastructure projects using real options approach, 2013 9- Reservoir operation under accidental or intentional pollution spill; Karkheh river-reservoir case study, 2013 10- Multi- parameter calibration of water quality models; CE-QUAL-W2 and MOPSO, 2012 11- Design and operation optimization of cyclic storage systems employing system dynamic and GA,2012 12- Optimum sensor locations in water distribution networks; Multi-objective approach, 2010 13- Automatic calibration of large-scale water quality models; Hybrid algorithms, 2010 14- Resource constrained scheduling considering net present value, 2010 15- Multi- objective optimization of fuse gates design and operation considering uncertainties. March 2009 16- Extension of ACO algorithm for continuous and mixed decision domain and its performance in water resources problems. March 2008 17- Fuzzy group decision making in water resources management. Aug.2007 18- Optimum design and operation of cyclic storage systems; GA-LP hybrid approach. July 2006 19- Design and operation of cyclic storage systems; Lumped approach. Jul. 2005 20- ACO based model for optimum location of water quality monitoring stations in a municipal network. Aug. 2005 21- Modelling unbalanced bidding in an uncertain environment. Apr. 2009 22- Finance-based scheduling of construction projects under uncertainty. May 2009 23- Multiobjective ACO modeling of time-cost-quality trade-off in construction projects. Mar.,2007 24- Multiobjective optimization of reservoir operation employing multi colony ACO. Mar. 2005 |