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Showing 1 results for Ghazi

R. Bagherzadeh, A. Riahi Nouri, M. S. Massoudi, M. Ghazi , F. Haddad Sharg,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (4-2022)

The main purpose of this paper was to use a combination of Energy-based design method and whale algorithm (WOA), hereinafter referred to as E-WOA, to optimize steel moment frames and improve the seismic performance. In E-WOA, by properly estimating the seismic input energy and determining the optimal mechanism for the structure, steel frames are designed based on the energy balance method; according to the results, in a suitable search space, optimization is performed using the WOA algorithm. The objective function of the WOA algorithm, in addition to the frame weight, is meant to improve the behavior of the structure based on the performance level criteria of the ASCE41-17 standard and the uniformity of the drift distribution at the frame height. The results show that the initial design of the Energy method reduces the computational volume of the WOA algorithm to achieve the optimal solution and the plastic hinge pattern in frame is more favorable in the E-WOA method than in the design done by the Energy method.

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