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Showing 3 results for Temperature

A. K. Dixit, M. K. Roul, B. C. Panda,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (1-2018)

The objective of this work is to predict the temperature of the different types of walls which are Ferro cement wall, reinforced cement concrete (RCC) wall and two types of cavity walls (combined RCC with Ferrocement and combined two Ferro cement walls) with the help of mathematical modeling. The property of low thermal transmission of small air gap between the constituents of combine materials has been utilized to obtain energy efficient wall section. Ferro cement is a highly versatile form of reinforced concrete made up of wire mesh, sand, water, and cement, which possesses unique qualities of strength and serviceability. The significant intention of the proposed technique is to frame a mathematical modeling with the aid of optimization techniques. Mathematical modeling is done by minimizing the cost and time consumed in the case of extension of the existing work. Mathematical modeling is utilized to predict the temperature of the different wall such as RCC wall, Ferro cement, combined RCC with Ferro cement and combined Ferro cement wall. The different optimization algorithms such as Social Spider Optimization (SSO), Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Group Search Optimization (GSO) are utilized to find the optimal weights α and β of the mathematical modeling. All optimum results demonstrate that the attained error values between the output of the experimental values and the predicted values are closely equal to zero with the SSO model. The results of the proposed work are compared with the existing methods and the minimum errors with SSO algorithm for the case of two combined RCC wall was found to be less than 2%.

M. Kherais, A. Csébfalvi, A. Len,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (1-2021)

In the last fifty years the climate change has become an important problem with high social and economic impact. Sadly, there are plenty of events that evidence the risks that the climate-change carries on our own lives, but also on our built environment. One of the most important and oldest building materials used by humans is the timber. Being a natural material it has a direct interaction with the climate factors, therefore it is impacted by the phenomenon of the climate change, as well.
Besides other characteristics, the moisture content of the wooden cells is one of the most challenged properties by the global warming. It is a basic requirement that all wood products are made from raw materials with a moisture content that is the expected equilibrium wood moisture at the point of use, otherwise the finished product may be damaged due to greater swelling or shrinkage, pronounced deformation and cracking, making it unsuitable for its intended use. Thus timber buildings older than forty-fifty years, witness to the global warming can be seriously affected by changes in characteristics like strength, stiffness, hardness, high deformation values or appearance of biologically active compounds. In order to protect these structures an understanding of the nature of these changes and setup a series of methods is necessary, without damaging the cultural heritage sites.
The aim of the present review is to summarize the impact of the environment, climate and climate-change on timber buildings, and to present the most important analytical methods from the literature, used for the study of wooden material.
M. Jafari Vardanjani, M. Izadi, H. Varesi,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (11-2021)

Optimization of public space energy consumption can basically improve the savings and the ratio of energy consumption and resources entirely. In this regard any methodology and system to shorten the redundant use of energy in different spots of the public space and to distribute energy based on significance of each zone will contribute in the task. This study has sought to develop a prototype of a multi-function smart system to monitor and control the use of energy in a space in terms of temperature, brightness and ventilation based on the significance of each zone according to the traffic calculated during time periods. Although in the current prototype there has not yet been photovoltaics embedded in the device, it has been accounted for in software section.
The monitoring system performs to monitor and store temperature, light intensity, CO2 concentration, and traffic at each zone while control system acts based on the zone significance and mechanism used in each energy consuming device including heaters, coolers, lights, etc. Findings on pilot scale shows that optimization of energy usage by such a system can drastically reduce space energy consumption while the optimal configuration of the multi-function system depends on the space conditions. Space conditions include climatic, area, etc. Although zero-energy building require further researches to be realized and utilized, this system can be perceived as first steps toward this goal.

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