
Civil Engineering Department Library

 The civil engineering department located west of the main building has an area of more than 380 square meters. See  library plan.


 Library Plan

 This library, containing more than 12000 volumes, is the richest library on the university campuses.  The hours of operation for students are  from 7:30 to 1800. The school has a spacious well-equipped central library with separate hallways, conference rooms, references, reports, and seminars.    This library is well equipped with open shelves,  secured by a network camera.

  The library activities are summarized as follows:

  a) Supporting and ordering the requested internal and external books based on the registered credits.

  b) Participating in 50 internal and 145 external Latin publications.

  c) Providing guidance for students in finding their desired references.

  d) Providing a system for copying  references.

  e) Providing classification, subscription of contents, and new book registration  according to L.C.

 A central library system  is available for all libraries in the university.  Books are deposited digitally and a unique code is allocated to each book, allowing easier access to books in any library equipped with this system.   Instructions to using this service can be found here at Http:// For non IUST students, the system will consider the user as a guest, and will continue to  access the requested information, revealing information including details about the author, date of publication, translator, etc.  The system will also inform the user of the book availability, allowing the user to reserve a book when it is not available at the requested time.

 - Ghadir Support

 The Ghadir Support system, moderated by the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology, grants  graduated alumni  of governmental universities, access to borrow resources from public universities that participate in the program. 

 The library has the following thesis topic papers on file:

  - Soil and foundation with 150 titles.

  - Structure with 210 titles.

  - Earthquake engineering with 100 titles.

  - Road problems with 152 titles.

  - Transportation with 107 titles.

  - Hydraulic with 110 titles.

  - Construction management with 58 titles.

  - Environmental problems with 50 titles.

  - PhD references with 50 titles.


 Comments and Questions, Thank you for your cooperation.

  1- Why are the reference numbers  not successively numbered?

  2- What attenuation laws have you used in the paper. (logic tree)

  3- What is the method of omitting the aftershocks.

  4- Please change UBC to IBC (ref 56)

  5- Why  have you not written the value of? In the table?

  6- Please do not clean the sign? until I see the material.

  7- Why have you  created tables in a and b forms, why not a new number? (Table 1b)

  8- Page 10 is not clear,  too much cross descriptions.

  9- U in equation 16 should be in the y form

  10- Table 3 position is incorrect .

  11- The 0.7 in the figure should be changed to .75.

  12- Why is Fig. 3b  independent?

  13- What is a round off err.

  14- Please add a table containing the “a” values and a figure showing the capacity curve of the two story frame.

  15- Please show the effect of phase angle as the final completion of the problem.

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